Personalised glass decorations, birth announcements and prints from Lizzyanthus

Personalised Framed Prints

Ideal for children’s rooms, our prints can be personalised with the name of your choice. Choose from fun ninjas, watercolour critters and more. »

Framed Baby Birth Details

Turn your baby’s name, birthdate, time & weight details into framed artwork. If required, we can also include your baby’s handprint or footprint in the final design. »

Framed Angel Wing Prints

Based on art by Lizzyanthus, our angel wing prints come in a range of colours. The wings are printed on specialist paper for a stunning metallic effect. »

Gemstone Mosaic Mirrors

Our love of gemstones and mosaics has inspired a range of mirrors for the home, which can be wall-mounted or used as decorative plates. »

Mobiles, Banners & Bunting

Made with gemstone beads and wooden shapes, our range of hanging decorations would make a colourful addition to any nursery or room. »

Glass Hanging Decorations

Filled with fluffy feathers and acrylic gems, these glass decorations make lovely gifts. The glass baubles can be personalised as required. »